Cur­rent reg­u­lar events

If not stated oth­er­wise, our of­fers are free if charge. If there is no other in­form­a­tion on our homepage, the courses and events take place at FiA, Kon­rad­str. 62, 04315 Leipzig.


11 am - 1 pm

Open sew­ing work­shop

We have mul­tiple sew­ing ma­chines and many beau­ti­ful fab­rics avail­able in our sew­ing room. Patch up or whip­stitch your clothes or take on other cre­at­ive pro­jects to­geth­er with our seam­stress Asya. If you've got a broken sew­ing ma­chine, she'll check on it as well.

Call us in ad­vance (0341/ 5815 4515) or write an e-mail, to let us know you'll be com­ing - or just come over!


10:30 am - 12:30 pm

sew­ing class

Our teach­er Zahra guides you through the ba­sics of sew­ing: how to op­er­ate a sew­ing ma­chine, cre­at­ing your own cut­ting pat­tern or learn­ing to work with one and much more. You don't need to bring any­thing, our sew­ing room has everything you'll need. 

No entry fee and no prior no­tice ne­ces­sary.


11 am - 13 pm

open sew­ing work­shop at Grassi Mu­seum (Bon­ven­on Raum)

FiA and Grassi Mu­seum opened a free tex­tile work­shop last year. To­geth­er we meet to sew, knit and re­pair (or learn how to). Bring your own pro­jects or work with our in­struc­tions.


1:30 pm - 3 pm

Car­dio - Fit­ness - Dan­cing! at Sporthalle Rabet, Kon­rad­str. 30   

Every women who wants to get in shape or just shake it up a little, can do so every Wed­nes­day at Sporthalle Rabet, to­geth­er with train­er Aeida Awwad.

Entry fee: 0,50€. No entry fee for women liv­ing in refugee re­com­mod­a­tions.   

Please write to hal­ or call 0341/ 58154515 to let us you want to par­ti­cip­ate.


12:30 pm - 14:30 pm | the second Wed­nes­day of every month

lan­guage tan­dem Talk to me! at Mu­seum der Bildenden Kün­ste

A pro­ject by Frauen­kul­tur Leipzig, Mu­seum der bildenden Kün­ste Leipzig and DaMigra Leipzig. 

A woman speak­ing Ger­man and one learn­ing Ger­man visit the mu­seum to­geth­er and talk about what they see. They dis­cov­er the paint­ings, share their feel­ings about them with one an­oth­er and learn Ger­man or some other lan­guage in the pro­cess.

For women and girls 14 years and older. Please con­tact us at Frauen­kul­tur Leipzig, Tel.: 0341/ 213 00 30 or MdbK: Tel.: 0341/ 21 69 99 58 or FiA, Tel.:  0341/ 5815 4515, to let us know you'll be par­ti­cip­at­ing.

If not ar­ranged oth­er­wise, we meet with all women at 12:15 pm at Primark, Hain­str. 21-23 and go to the mu­seum to­geth­er. You can also just go there and meet us in the foyer of the mu­seum.

For dates and top­ics you can also look here.


1 pm - 2 pm

Lan­guage hang-out "Just speak­ing Ger­man"

To­geth­er with our col­league Nina you can talk about everything that in­terests you and prac­tice Ger­man in the pro­cess!

No entry fee and no prior no­tice ne­ces­sary.


11 am - 1 pm

Open sew­ing work­shop

We have mul­tiple sew­ing ma­chines and many beau­ti­ful fab­rics avail­able in our sew­ing room. Patch up or whip­stitch your clothes or take on other cre­at­ive pro­jects to­geth­er with our seam­stress Asya. If you've got a broken sew­ing ma­chine, she'll check on it as well.

Call us in ad­vance (0341/ 5815 4515) or write an e-mail, to let us know you'll be com­ing - or just come over!


3 pm - 5 pm 

open sew­ing work­shop at Grassi Mu­seum (Bon­ven­on Raum)

FiA and Grassi Mu­seum opened a free tex­tile work­shop last year. To­geth­er we meet to sew, knit and re­pair (or learn how to). Bring your own pro­jects or work with our in­struc­tions.


Here's our weekly plan for you to down­load.